What to Ask Before Hiring a Child Custody Attorney

Family Law


If you’re facing a custody battle, you shouldn’t turn to just anyone for legal guidance. When family time is at stake, it’s imperative to enlist help from a seasoned professional.


Unfortunately, a lot of firms tout their family law experience, but not everyone is actually equipped to resolve complex custody disputes. As such, it can be challenging to find the right attorney to take your case.



The best way to determine whether you should proceed with someone’s help is by taking advantage of your initial consultation. During this meeting, you’ll get the opportunity to ask questions about your case, as well as the firm in general. Based on the lawyer’s answers, you can then decide whether you want to proceed with their counsel.



So, what kinds of questions should you be asking? Let’s take a look:




1. Have You Resolved Disputes with Elements Similar to My Own?




While every custody case is undeniably unique, there are only a handful of scenarios that can lend to a dispute in the first place. Whether you’re in the early stages of divorce or you have been separated for a while but your ex wants to move out of state, it’s important to find someone who’s familiar with all the nuance of the issues at play.




2. What Do You Think Is the Likeliest Outcome to My Case?




In addition to giving you some idea of what to expect, the answer to this question will let you know if you’ve found a reputable firm. Since legal proceedings are ultimately unpredictable, a family law attorney who practices with integrity will never promise to achieve a specific outcome for a client.



If they have enough experience handling similar cases, they should be able to discuss the trajectory yours will likely take; however, they shouldn’t make any guarantees.




3. How Often Will You Update Me on the Status of My Case?




You should be kept in the know at every turn. As such, it’s wise to ask about the level of communication you can expect to receive from the firm over the course of the proceedings. Will they reach out monthly? Weekly? Or only when there’s a major breakthrough in the case?




4. How Can I Reach You If a Question or Concern Arises?




If you reach out to your lawyer, you should be able to count on getting a prompt response. Therefore, it’s wise to inquire about the firm’s accessibility during your first meeting. You can also read testimonials from past clients to see whether the practice provides the personalized and attentive service you expect from your legal team.




Speak with a Michigan Child Custody Lawyer




At Smith & Johnson, we know how stressful child custody battles can be. If you’re facing some kind of custody dispute, get the full force of the firm backing your every move. Call 231-946-0700 or submit our Contact Form to schedule a free initial consultation with a child custody attorney in Michigan.