Has Roundup Put Hunters at Risk of Cancer As Well?
,Personal Injury Law
With hunting season just around the corner, many of us start thinking about deer camp. The Traverse City Record Eagle recently reported on the use of Roundup in Northern Michigan deer camps and the risk to hunters in developing non-Hodgkins lymphoma.. Read their report here.
As Smith & Johnson Attorney Tim Smith recently wrote in the Legal Examiner:
For years, many of us that hunt have engaged in Quality Deer Management or QDMA. Since 1988, the Quality Deer Management Association has worked to promote sustainable, high quality deer populations, wildlife habitats and ethical hunting experiences through research, education, advocacy and hunter recruitment. They encourage protection of the younger bucks, appropriate harvesting of the does in the population and maintaining healthy habitat and food plots on your property.
It is a brilliant approach to managing deer and your property. It’s certainly an approach that my deer camp has adhered to, and we’ve seen the benefits. For years, we’ve planted brassica, oats, clover and buckwheat. It’s a lot of work planting and maintaining those crops and it pays dividends. But up until recently, we didn’t realize that the QDMA approach was going to put our camp at risk of cancer.
When it comes to food plots, the first step recommended by QDMA is to kill all the weeds in the area where you’re going to plant the food plot to attract the deer. Roundup is the product that they have recommended for years. Why? Because it works. From the QDMA website – Commonly referred to by its original trade name Roundup, glyphosate is undoubtably the most commonly used when it comes to planting food plots.
The problem is Roundup and it’s active ingredient glyphosate cause cancer, specifically, non-Hodgkins lymphoma. In the first 3 trials against Monsanto/Bayer as it relates to Roundup causing cancer, all three juries found that Roundup caused the cancer. The evidence and the science clearly supported the connection between exposure to Roundup and cancer.
Tim Smith currently represents a client who's exposure to Roundup came through prepping food plots at his deer camps. Smith's is involved in litigation pending nationally against Monsanto/Bayer AG as it relates to their product Roundup.
If you, a friend or family member has been exposed to Roundup and has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, please contact Attorney Tim Smith at 231.946.0700 for a free consultation and click for more information about Smith & Johnson’s Roundup Glyphosate litigation or complete our free case evaluator.