60 Minutes Australia Highlights Cancer Causing Roundup and Current Legal Action
,Personal Injury Law
"Four years ago, the World Health Organization warned that the herbicide Glyphosate, the main ingredient in weed killer Roundup, causes cancer. Created by chemical giant Monsanto, Roundup is the most widely used weed killer on Earth, sprayed on everything from tiny flower beds to vast fields of crops. Now, in a series of landmark verdicts, juries have confirmed what the World Health organization knew all along"- Roundup causes cancer.
Watch 60 Minutes Australia as they delve into Roundup, its effects, and the legal cases against Monsanto.
Smith and Johnson currently represents individuals throughout Michigan and the U.S. In litigation to hold Monsanto responsible and to make sure individuals harmed by Roundup receive the compensation they deserve.
If you, a friend or family member has been exposed to Roundup and has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, please contact Attorney Tim Smith at 231.946.0700 for a free consultation and click for more information about Smith & Johnson’s Roundup Glyphosate litigation or complete our free case evaluator.