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10 search results for: faq


5 FAQs About Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against a Drowsy Driver

5 FAQs About Filing a Personal Injury Claim Against a Drowsy Driver  Accidents caused by drowsy drivers can have devastating consequences. The aftermath of such crashes often leave victims with significant and life-altering burdens. If you or a loved one has been injured in a crash caused by someone who fell asleep behind the wheel, […]


4 FAQs About Filing for Divorce in Michigan

4 FAQs About Filing for Divorce in Michigan  If you’ve decided to end your marriage, it’s wise to consult a family law attorney. Regardless of the specifics of your situation, there’s a lot at stake. As such, enlisting help from a seasoned professional is a sound investment. A knowledgeable lawyer will be able to help […]


3 FAQ About Seeking Custody in Michigan

When people who share children separate or divorce, they must devise an arrangement for handling all aspects of childrearing moving forward. Called a custody arrangement, this plan addresses everything from where the kids will live to how major decisions will be made on their behalf. If you’re planning on seeking custody in Michigan and you’re […]


What Happens if You Fail to Pay Alimony in Michigan

3 FAQs About Failure to Pay Alimony in Michigan Alimony, or spousal support, refers to a financial arrangement whereby one spouse makes regular payments to the other during and/or after divorce proceedings. The purpose of alimony is to ensure the lower earner can maintain a reasonable standard of living the wake of the separation. When […]


What to Know About Writing A Last Will & Testament

3 FAQs About Writing a Last Will & Testament A last will and testament is the foundation of every comprehensive estate plan. Often referred to as just a “will,” this document includes legally binding terms that dictate how the estate should be settled upon the testator’s death. Considering your own mortality is never easy, but […]


Summer Festivals & Vendor Tents It is that time of the summer season up here in northern Michigan where festivals are in full swing. With that come corporate sponsors and vendors setting up their promotional tents for the designed purpose to engage potential customers. Vendor tents can be rather large and constructed of heavy metal. […]